The Last Girl – Recensione

Ciao lettori!

Sono rimpatriata in terra italiana e sebbene io non abbia aggiornato il blog, ho comunque letto tantissimo (Goodreads mi dice che ho 12 libri ahead of schedule rispetto la mia challenge, INCREDIBILE).

In ogni caso, tra gli ultimi libri letti rientra The Last Girl di Joe Hart, il primo della Dominion Trilogy che è stato tradotto da La Corte Editore e di cui uscirà l’ultimo libro ad ottobre. Continue reading “The Last Girl – Recensione”

Children of Blood And Bone – Review

Time to judge some high rated YA Fantasy today.

Spoiler? I loved it.

Children of Blood and Bone is about Zeil, a girl with white hair, hated because her ancestors used to have magic powers. Every maji has to pay a tax because of its existence to the king, and if they fail, they become slaves. But this book is also about Tzain, Zeil brother, with black hair and safe because of them. But also about Amari and Inan, the princess and prince of the throne.

Amari however does not think like her father, and decides to escape. Because of the gods, she meets Zeil. Together, they will try to save their reign and restore magic.

This story The magic is built perfectly, and is so amazing I cannot even phatom. Also, it was written really beautifully and it was hard to put it away. I was completely entranced by the story and I loved every single character. Well, maybe I hated Inan sometimes. Because REALLY.

Bad point: the love story of the main characters. It was too instant and childish so I did not know what to really think about it. So big NO.

But I have to give it 4.5/5 anyway.


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